Audience feedback

Thank you Keith for a great concert last night in Tetbury. I just wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed listening to your musical interpretation of Lorca’s poems (I bought the cd), I know about half of the poems quite well, so a few new ones for me. Love that Cohen was so influenced by him. It has made me look out some of Pablo Neruda’s poetry set to songs I have (contemporary of Lorca, but lived much longer), played and sung by Luciana Souza, esp Memory, Tonight I can write the saddest lines, and Loneliness. Yours is very much more melodic and atmospheric. Thank you again! Polly

The perfect concert. Small, intimate, beautiful venue and the most sensitive performer of much loved songs you could find. Keith's humanity shines through his interpretation of those and in his own wonderful songs. He had me in tears again, needless to say. Another night to remember.

Thank you so much Keith James. Well worth the trip to Malvern.

The Songs of Leonard Cohen

These remarkable songs - stripped back, honest, naked and sensual.


‘There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in’ Cohen’s most memorable and visionary line from his song ANTHEM. If ever there was a sentence in modern poetry to reflect on and give hope and understanding to us all, it is this line. This Concert begins with ANTHEM.


Enigmatic, mysterious and sub textural, songwriter Leonard Cohen was an unflinching character, with an exact sense of prose, wry humour and the courage to wrestle with the unspoken, forgiving human frailty and indulgence with the stroke of each word.


The chilling announcement of Leonard's death marked the end of an era. His music befriended an entire generation. Within every line of his writing, he has been challenging us to listen more carefully, speak more thoughtfully, think more deeply and recognize our own vulnerability. Our World misses him very much.


With a lifetime reputation of performing in this exact way and an undying love of the ‘pure song’ Keith James gives you a concert of Cohen’s amazing material in the most intimate and sensitive way imaginable, exposing the solitary inner strength of his greatest songs in their original perfect form. Keith has performed an extensive tour of this concert in Theatres and Arts Centres across the UK, giving over 550 concerts to more than 200,000 people. This has proved to be one of the greatest honours in Keith James’ 40 year career in music.


Included in the concert are Cohen’s well-known songs: Famous Blue Raincoat, Sisters of Mercy, Suzanne, and Hallelujah alongside his rarer and profound writing such as If it be your will, Joan of Arc and Secret Life. Also included are Keith’s dramatic performances based on the work of Federico Garcia Lorca – Cohen’s greatest influence. Keith has also transcribed into song one of Leonard’s poems from his collection ‘Book of longing’ written whilst on retreat during the 1990s.


‘Musicians brave enough to make the music they really believe in. Keith James is one of these’

Bob Harris

‘Some of the most atmospheric and emotive music you will ever hear’

The Independent